Tuesday, June 30, 2009


By Hank Trisler

Would it help your sales and marketing efforts if scores of people were wearing casual clothing with your brand-picture-logo emblazoned thereon? How about banners, water bottles, coffee mugs and other items all bearing your message?

Branding has done wonders for companies like Caterpillar, John Deere, DKNY and the major networks. Restaurants, bars, contractors, virtually any small business person can benefit from the magic of merchandise branding.

But there are problems. Someone has to stock the merchandise. Someone has to affix the logo to the merchandise. Someone has to bill the customer, fill the order and ship the product. Someone has to take the heat when the size or color is wrong. I'll bet NONE of that is attractive to you; it sure isn't to me.

Now along comes ol' Trisler, together with a company named Colorado Timberline to rescue you and solve your problems.

At no cost to you, we will put up an online store for your company featuring a WIDE variety of goods, both wearable and non-wearable. When people visit your site and purchase items from them, Colorado Timberline will emblazon the goods with a revolutionary new ink jet printing process, or with laser etching, whichever is appropriate for the item selected. They will then bill the customer's credit card (or PayPal) and ship the goods directly to the customer. You're out of the loop entirely.

  • NO STOCKING. Nothing at all is in your place of business.
  • NO SHIPPING. Everything shipped direct to the customer.
  • NO BILLING. All credit cards accepted and billed directly.
  • NO MINIMUMS. Your customers can order in onesies and twosies.
  • YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL SELL. Select some or all of the goods available.
  • YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL CHARGE. Markups are determined solely by you.
  • NO HASSLES. Colorado Timberline has HIGH quality and terrific customer service.
  • NO BULL. This is as straight and clean a deal as you can imagine. You have nothing to lose.
If you'd like to see the product line available to you and see a store in "the flesh," go to our Logos Promotional Marketing store and wander around. The prices you see there are the wholesale prices you will pay.

To see an actual store in action, visit NO BULL SHOPPING.

This is a really effective way to increase your marketing footprint and employ the branding processes of the Twenty-First Century.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Hank. Seems like a no brainer! So many small companies never get branding off the ground because it's just too hard & costly. You have made it easy...thanks.


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